Avatar SDK Unity Cloud plugin  3.0.1
Realistic avatar generation toolset for Unity3D
How to use SALSA LipSync Suite with Avatar SDK

Configure avatar for SALSA LipSync

1) Create an avatar prefab.

  • Run the "05_parameters_sample_cloud" sample located under "itseez3d/avatar_sdk/sample_cloud/05_parameters_sample_cloud/scenes".
  • Select the required blendshapes sets. visemes_15 is used for the Head1.2/Head2.0 pipelines, visemes_17 is used for the Animated Face. If you also would like to animate eyes and brows, select the mobile_51 or legacy_45 blendshapes sets. In this guide, we are using the Head2.0 avatar with all blendshapes.
  • Once the avatar is loaded, press the Create prefab button. The prefab location will be "Assets/itseez3d_prefabs/[avatar_code]/avatar.prefab".
  • Export created prefab. Right-click on the avatar.prefab, select the Export Package... option, make sure that the "Include dependencies" checkbox is enabled and save the unity package.

2) Import SALSA LipSync Suite plugin from the Unity Asset Store into an empty unity project.

3) Import the avatar prefab into this project.

4) Create a new scene. Create an empty object and add the avatar prefab as a child of it.


5) Add a Salsa script to the avatar object, press Add AudioSource button and press Add QueueProcessor button.


6) Add an AudioClip to the Audio Source component.


7) Configure visemes. We recommend using DD, CH, aa blendshapes for the saySmall, sayMedium, and sayLarge visemes corresponding.


8) Now you can run the scene and see that the lipsync works.

Configure brows movements [optional].

1) Add the Emoter component to the avatar object.


2) Add emotions to the Emoter component. We recommend to use the following emotions and blendshapes for them: furrow (browDownLeft and browDownRight blendshapes), brows up (browInnerUp blendshape), eye wide (eyeWideLeft and eyeWideRight blendshapes).


Configure eyes and head movements [optional].

1) Add the Eyes component to the avatar object. Set the parent of the avatar object to the Character root field and add the existed Queue Processor.


2) In the Head Configuration section set the Head Templates to the Bone_Rotation_XY and Bone/Transform to avatar object.


3) Configure eye properties. Set Eye Templates to Blend Shapes and FoV Offset (X, Y) to (0.5, 0.1).


4) Press the New Eye button and configure the following blendshapes for directions:

  • Upper direction (eyeLookUpLeft and eyeLookUpRight blendshapes)
  • Down direction (eyeLookDownLeft and eyeLookDownRight blendshapes)
  • Left direction (eyeLookOutLeft and eyeLookInRight blendshapes)
  • Right direction (eyeLookOutRight and eyeLookInLeft blendshapes)

5) Configure eyelid properties. Set Eyelid Templates to Blend Shapes.


6) Press the New Blink button and configure two blendshapes (eyeBlinkLeft and eyeBlinkRight) for Upper direction.


Sample project

1) You can download the sample project at this link: Avatar SDK with SALSA LipSync Suite Unity sample.

2) Import the downloaded package into the unity project with SALSA LipSync Suite.

3) Run the Assets/itseez3d/sample/salsa_with_avatar_sdk_sample.unity scene.