Local Compute Avatar SDK  3.0.1
To generate Full Body avatars
avatar_sdk_full_body::AvatarModifications Struct Reference

#include <avatar_sdk_structures.hpp>

Data Fields

bool enhanceLighting
 Attempt to make lighting more uniform on the source photo.
bool removeGlasses
 Attempt to remove glasses on the source photo before the actual avatar computation start.
bool removeSmile
 Attempt to remove a smile on the source photo before the actual avatar computation start.
bool removeStubble
 Attempt to remove a stubble on the source photo before the actual avatar computation start.
bool parametricEyesTexture
 Replace eye texture from a source photo with generated one with sclera and iris colors to match the photo version.
AvatarSdkColorRgb eyeIrisColor
 Recolor eye iris directly on a model texture. Works only when parametricEyesTexture is set.
AvatarSdkColorRgb eyeScleraColor
 Recolor eye sclera directly on a model texture. Works only when parametricEyesTexture is set.
AvatarSdkColorRgb teethColor
 Recolor teeth directly on a model texture.
int generatedHaircutFacesCount
 Resample generated haircut mesh to have specified faces count.
AvatarSdkSize generatedHaircutTextureSize
 Resize generated haircut texture to the specified size. Original haircut texture size is 1024x1024 px.

Detailed Description

Parameters for managing avatar modifications.

Definition at line 168 of file avatar_sdk_structures.hpp.

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