Local Compute Avatar SDK  3.0.1
To generate Full Body avatars
avatar_sdk_full_body::AvatarSdkParams Struct Reference

#include <avatar_sdk_structures.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 AvatarSdkParams (AvatarSdkParams &other)=delete

Data Fields

char * inputImagePath
 Path to the photo in the PNG or JPEG format.
wchar_t * wInputImagePath
 Path to the photo in UTF16 encoding. Works only on Windows platform.
char * outputDirPath
 Directory to store an output result.
char * intermediateDataDirPath
 Directory to store intermediate data for subsequent exports.
char * computationParamsJsonFilePath
 Path to the computation parameters JSON file.
char * exportParamsJsonFilePath
 Path to the export parameteres JSON file.
AvatarSdkComputationParams computationParams
 Computation parameters that specify avatar's appearance.
AvatarSdkExportParams exportParams
 Export parameters that specify output format and assets.

Detailed Description

This structure holds all parameters for avatar generation

Definition at line 330 of file avatar_sdk_structures.hpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: