Local Compute Avatar SDK  3.0.1
To generate Full Body avatars
avatar_sdk_full_body::AvatarSdkMesh Struct Reference

#include <avatar_sdk_structures.hpp>

Public Member Functions

DllExport AvatarSdkMesh (const AvatarSdkMesh &other)

Data Fields

char name [64]
 Mesh name.
int verticesCount
 Vertices count in mesh.
int facesCount
 Faces count in mesh.
float * vertices
 Pointer to the vertices data (x,y,z). Array size is 3 * verticesCount.
float * verticesNormals
 Pointer to the normals data (x,y,z). Array size is 3 * verticesCount.
int * faces
 Pointer to the faces triangles (vertices indices). Array size is 3 * facesCount.
double * uv
 Pointer to the UV data. (u,v) values for each vertex in the face. Array size is facesCount * 3 * 2.
 Pointer to the skinning data. Array size is verticesCount.
 Diffuse texture.
 Normal map texture.
 Metallic map texture.
 Roughness map texture.
 Body visibility mask. Used for outfits to show which parts of the body are hidden under an outfit.
 Pointer to the blendshapes data.
int blendshapesCount
 Blendshapes count.

Detailed Description

Texture data

Definition at line 417 of file avatar_sdk_structures.hpp.

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