Local Compute Avatar SDK
To generate Full Body avatars
AvatarSdkParams structure specifies avatar's generation parameters.
There are three types of parameters: General, Computation Parameters and Export Parameters.
General parameters includes:
These parameters are a set of flags and options to fine-tune the avatar computation process. Computations parameters include three sections: Model Info, Avatar Modifications, Body Shape.
The Model Info contains flags that specify which meta-information should be computed for an avatar. The generated meta-information is stored in the model.json file in the output directory or can be accessed with the getAvatarModelInfo method.
More detailed information about Model Info parameters can be found in our Web Api Documentation.
Parameters are used to configure an avatar appearance.
More information about Avatar Modifications parameters can be found in our Web Api Documentation
The "Body Shape" parameters are used to configure some body shape measurements such as gender, weight, height, etc. Parameters that are not specified will be predicted from an input photo.
More information about Body Shape parameters can be found in our Web Api Documentation.
These parameters configures an output format, textures and assets such as haircuts, outfits and blendshapes.
More information about export parameters can be found in our Web Api Documentation.
AvatarSdkHaircutsParams is used to configure a list of haircuts to be generated and their output format.
To get a full list of available haircuts, use the getAvailableHaircuts method.
AvatarSdkOutfitsParams is used to configure a list of outfits to be generated and their output format.
To get a full list of available outfits, use the getAvailableOutfits method.
AvatarSdkBlendshapesParams is used to configure a list of blendshapes sets to be generated and their output format.
Blendshapes can be saved in the BIN format, that specifies the consequent vertices for the body mesh as a floating-point values (X, Y, Z).
To get a full list of available blendshapes sets, use the getAvailableBlendshapes method.